Tuesday, September 18, 2007

about heroes

How come all the right lines
come all at the wrong time?
The words stream down my face now,
making the perfect sense that I intended from the start.

And now it’s their turn;
Faces, staring back at me from all directions,
asking me why I can’t make them better.
And they scream.

And they yell and they tell me
that I’m as fucking bad as them.
And I am
and I am
and I’m worse.
And each hearse belongs to my sad selfish body,

because I could never
save anyone but me.

That is not a hero.

That is not a person.

I am undeserving of myself,
of even these clichéd, self-centered words.

I have always been sorry.

But that is, I am, never even close to enough.


Karish said...

All I can say is I've been there and it'll pass.. the point is keeping your chin up till it does. : )

Anonymous said...

where's your fucking ego?

J.R.D.B. said...

in my journal.

(www.johazelwoodsjournal.blogspot.com in case you haven't got it hahaha)


Anonymous said...

Is this about dad??? It seems as though it may be xxx